
You're Not Special, You're Just An @$$hole!

The following is a sequence of events that happened only in my head:

Mr. Silver Lexus Jerk pulls up behind my vehicle while waiting in line at the carwash.  He leans on the horn.  I motion that I am waiting in line and therefore am stuck in current spot.  He immediately gets out of his car and marches up to my window.  After knocking I lower my window to address his concerns.  After being yelled at for just a moment I roll my window back up, turn off the car, exit the car and lock the door.  I proceed to the gas station area telling him to go F#*$ himself with some hand gestures.  I watch him blow a gasket and smile because he is a douche and deserves to be put in his place.

The following is what really happened:

Mr. Silver Lexus Jerk pulls up behind my vehicle while waiting in line at the carwash.  He leans on the horn.  I motion that I am waiting in line and therefore am stuck in current spot.  He immediately gets out of his car and marches up to my window.  After knocking I lower my window to address his concerns.  After being yelled at for just a moment I roll my window back up, pull the vehicle up as close as possible to the car in front of me, and mentally cuss at the douche alone in the comfort of my work vehicle.  I curse the fact that I am wearing my work uniform with a name tag and that I’m driving the company vehicle that has the name all over it.

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